Death of Democracy in Australia
by Scott Balson
The Queensland Independent Newspaper, published by the Department of
Journalism at the University of Queensland, extract from article headed
'Study in media power an essential Australian text':
"He (Balson) has done this brilliantly. The level of research that has
gone into producing this book is what makes it. Far from just crying wolf,
Scott Balson has gone through the village with photographs. His views are
supported, his assertions are researched, and so his attacks are
Download a word document order form to distribute to friends.
On the 9th February Dymocks bookshop withdrew the book from sale - read their fax and see why
![]() On-line rebuttals to media reports |
Name site is owned by Scott
14th January 1999: Over 800 on-line orders
received to date (to be mailed
Book launch in Sydney on 22nd January -
What happened now
31st January 1999 -
State of reporters and their response
to the book.
11th February 1999 - book withdrawal
questioned - US correspondent.
12th February 1999
- Comments on
Fax by Dymocks Managing Director to
Interactive Presentations Pty Ltd
12th February 1999 - One Nation press
release: "Book Chain pulls book"
13th February 1999 -
Newspaper articles about Dymocks decision
21st February 1999 -
Don't dare call it "Censorship" in
24th February 1999 - Dymocks Bookstores
5th March 1999 -
Always conspiracy - Jeremy Jones of Australia/Israel
Review respond to criticisms in the book.
8th March 1999 - Study in media power
an essential Australian text - University of Queensland's Queensland
Independent March 1999
8th March 1999 - Bookshop ban shows extraordinary
level of involvement: author - University of Queensland's Queensland
Independent March 1999
15th March 1999 - Web of Hate -
Jeremy Jones and Murdoch's Courier-Mail start vilifying Balson.
16th April 1999 -
Murdoch's Courier-Mail
campaign of hate against Balson
May 1999 - Codex Magazine - article
on withdrawal of Murder by Media
June 1999 - The 2,500 copies of
Murder by Media are now collectors items.
July 1999
Scott Balson arrested
for allegedly publishing the name of a Labor MP charged with 48 child-sex
29th August 1999
Kennett Government
bans book exposing official corruption in
14th January 2000 Balson reveals
"separation of powers" flawed in Queensland and implicates The Courier-Mail
-article "When Power
Becomes Absolute".
March 2000
acquitted of politically motivated charges - subject of new book "Enemy
of the State"
Further on-line Reading:
Australian National News of the Day - Australian Daily Issues Page
The threat of defamation the tool of the rich hiding the truth
Globalisation, Demise of the Australian nation by Graham Strachan
books by the author (overviews on-line)
One Voice, Many Issues: exposes
the hidden corprotisation of Australia
Enemy of the State:
a remarkable personal record of the corrupt elite system in Queensland involving
the mainstream media and the state government.
A system which orchestrated
Balson's arrest - the author defending himself in court before being
Inside One Nation: Balson
exposes the party that he once defended so dearly. He, like so many others,
was deceived for years by the directors in the political party.
mdimdimdi Rupert Murdoch Kerry Packer
Visitor #:
15 January 1999